
We are an interdisciplinary team of professional chaplains, social workers, nurses, counselors, peer support specialists, therapists, and other spiritual and mental health professionals that bring a wealth of expertise and compassion to address the multifaceted challenges faced by our target population.

Volunteers Opportunity

Join Our Big Family, Touch a Life Positively.

• Organize outreach events-online/onsite
• Provide social media support through Facebook, LinkedIn and other media outlets
• Help with technical support-recording, editing, and posting videos/pictures
• Send thank you cards to speakers/attendees
• Become an ambassador in your community

• Provide childcare during events
• Teach children skills like gardening
• Assist by running errands and administration
• Help with fundraising such as book/ticket sales
• Assist in veterans care time program

• Assist in our veterans book of wisdom project
• Support our team-chaplains, social workers, counselors, and others
• Build partnerships with colleges/universities through internships/mentoring
• Connect with faith-based organizations like churches and community centers
• Pray for our team and mission


Kindly leave your name and contact information and we will reach out to you soon. We would be happy to talk about other ways you can volunteer and also love to hear from you about other ways you would like to volunteer.
Join Our Volunteers